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Club Natació Barcelona has been promoting sport and its values since its inception. Currently, with the aim of promoting sport among the most disadvantaged groups and those with special needs, it collaborates with different foundations and associations


Since its inception, the Johan Cruyff Foundation has become an organization dedicated every day to encouraging young people to exercise. Especially the children who need it most. Its mission is for young people to advance from the exercise. Sport is a universal language for children, regardless of their background, culture, religion or disability. Thanks to sport and play, children improve their physical condition, learn to relate and develop.

With the initiative of our swimmers and Paralympic medalists Sílvia Vives, Montse Canals and fellow swimmer and national selector Esther Eroles, Adapted Swimming was born at Club Natació Barcelona.

Esther, current project director of the Johan Cruyff Foundation, has consolidated the adapted swimming section as one of the Cruyff Foundation's projects with the aim of making the Club the benchmark in Catalonia for aquatic activities practiced for children and girls with disabilities.



​B-Raval is another step in the set of solidarity initiatives that are promoted in the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona around the Montalegre church.

They promote social volunteering and promote actions that lead to employment.

Through B-Raval's activity, young people understand each other, understand and respect each other a little more every day. This coexistence is the basis for tolerance and social cohesion in the future.

One of these activities is carried out at the facilities of Club Natació Barcelona, combining physical activity on dry land and in the water, making sporting values also part of their social growth.



​Superacció is a non-profit association that promotes the improvement of people through action. It achieves this through two lines of work: social integration of minors and young people at risk of exclusion through triathlon and expressive training for personal development.

Triathlon is a fusion of three sports; cycling, running and swimming. In this case, Club Natació Barcelona makes the pool available to the boys and girls who make up the team to practice this sport.

Professional triathletes such as Marcel Zamora, Roberto Heras and fellow CNB partner Cesc Godoy support and actively participate in Superacció training.


It is a non-profit organization and its mission is to help improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities through social and labor inclusion following the "Work with Support" methodology.

Club Natació Barcelona makes its facilities available by making an adapted program with the help of a sports coach so that all the boys and girls of Aura can practice sport in a standardized way.

The practice of different individual and team sports helps them to improve at the motor level, as well as to promote teamwork and personal improvement.


The members of Arrels are people who want no one to sleep on the streets. Since 1987, they have accompanied more than 9,000 homeless people on their way to independence, offering accommodation, food and social and health care.

They have the support of 47 hired people, around 400 volunteers and 4,000 donors who make it possible to carry out the action programs.

Its objectives are:


Assist homeless people who are in the most consolidated phases of exclusion so that they are as independent as possible again.


Raise public awareness of the reality of the homeless.


Report unfair situations and provide proposals that help transform the reality of social exclusion

From Club Natació Barcelona we collaborate with the Fundació Arrels with the collection of clothes and shoes. All members, subscribers to an activity and/or our employees can deposit the pieces they want to donate in containers that are in our facilities every day of the year.

In addition, the CNB also collaborates on specific dates, such as Sant Jordi, with specific actions.



The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation is a private non-profit organization born in Barcelona in 1989 with the aim of improving the quality of life of people with multiple sclerosis. In Catalonia, there are 7,000 people who suffer from this disease.


The mission of the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation is to improve the quality of life of people affected by the disease and allocate resources to research. The Foundation fulfills its mission in several areas: information, patient care, neurorehabilitation services and training and job placement.

In the labor field, the Foundation has promoted a Special Employment Center (FEM-CET). To raise awareness of the disease, to raise funds and to raise awareness in society, the Foundation carries out campaigns throughout the year, such as the Mulla't.


Club Natació Barcelona collaborates with the Foundation, being one of the collaborating entities with the Mulla't campaign. For years, the CNB has provided a space for the sale of merchandising for this campaign within its facilities, as well as other actions and/or needs of the same.



The Aprenem Association for the Inclusion of People with Autistic Spectrum Disorders was born in 2006 on the initiative of a group of families with the aim of claiming the RIGHTS of their children and to defend adequate care to its specificity.


Throughout these years of activity, we have been able to collect the experiences of many families and assess the needs of children and adolescents with autism, as well as carefully study numerous reports and scientific documentation of international reference on detection, diagnosis and intervention in the field of autism. This allows us to design services and projects adapted to the real needs of people with autism and their families.


The Aprenem Association celebrates World Autism Awareness Day by organizing a big party with different activities all over Barcelona with the help of different institutions, it's called "Connect the blue".


The aim of this party is:


Bring people with autism closer to everyone to promote contact that helps break myths.


Raise awareness in society about the needs of people with autism and their families.


Claim the rights of people with autism.

Celebrate diversity with a party for all, citizens and families.

Club Natació Barcelona actively participates in the party, offering its facilities and/or organizing activities that are included in the program of the event, where all the people who want to participate must buy a ticket-donation that is fully allocated continuing to make possible the inclusion of children with autism.



It is a non-profit organization and its mission is to help improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities through social and labor inclusion following the "Work with Support" methodology.

Club Natació Barcelona makes its facilities available by making an adapted program with the help of a sports coach so that all the boys and girls of Aura can practice sport in a standardized way.

The practice of different individual and team sports helps them to improve at the motor level, as well as to promote teamwork and personal improvement.

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