Aquest estiu, uneix-te a les SUMMER NIGHTS que celebrem al Club Natació Barcelona amb Dave Coach de @barcelonetabeachtennis ! 🎾😎

Durant aquest juny i juliol, de 19:30 a 21:30 h, podràs gaudir d’emocionants jornades de Beach Tennis amb el mar i la posta de sol de fons, acompanyades de begudes refrescants, pica-pica, molta música i un bany refrescant a les nostres piscines. 💫🏖️

📆📝 Apunta bé aquestes dates: JUNY14, 21 i 28 JULIOL4, 5, 11 i 26

Vine a gaudir d’unes nits d’estiu inoblidables a les SUMMER NIGHTS del CNB! 🌴✨

This summer, join the SUMMER NIGHTS we celebrate at Club Natació Barcelona with Dave Coach from @barcelonetabeachtennis! 🎾😎

During June and July, from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM, you can enjoy exciting Beach Tennis sessions with the sea and sunset in the background, accompanied by refreshing drinks, snacks, lots of music, and a refreshing dip in our pools. 💫🏖️

📆📝 Save these dates:

JUNE 14, 21, and 28

JULY 4, 5, 11, and 26

Come and enjoy unforgettable summer nights at CNB’s SUMMER NIGHTS! 🌴✨